How To Increase Max File Size In WP All In One Migration | 100% Working | 2020

when you try to create a website on XAMPP then the biggest problem comes is to shifting whole the website to the live server it is easy to move some small website data if the data is under 300Mb but what if you have some big websites data ????

try to understand it in an easy way for that let just think that we are created a WordPress site in XAMPP and when the time to get the website live we'll try to take a backup of the whole website data using all in one backup plugin which is an easy process and at the time of uploading the backup file to all in one backup plugin we'll know the all in one backup plugin file is more than 400MB  and we can't upload it.

so what you'll do know ????

don't worry We have the solution for you just read whole the article and get your solution.


The most important step is to log-in to your admin section...

Step: 1 You have to Uninstall the new version of wp all in one plugin.

          yes, you have to uninstall the official version of wp all in one plugin because we need some older version in this process ...

  for that, you have to click on the  plugin section on the left side of the Dashboard 


Step: 2 Now, Install the old version of wp all in one link given below

now download the older version of them all in one backup plugin using the link given below 

    Download Plugin


Step: 3 After step 1 & 2Go to plugin editor under plugins upload the old plugin

          after download, you need to install the plugin using the upload button on the plugin section on  WP-Dashboard and Activate the plugin 

Step: 4 Now Select the plugin wp all in one  from the right sidebar in the edit section 

   now go to the edit plugins and select the All in One one backup plugin and you will find the constants.php on the Right Side of the Wp - Dashboard 

Step: 5  Find the constant.php from the right sidebar & Search pressing the ctrl + F max file size

Copy this codes below and pest it

  define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 536870912 * 10 );

All done now you will get a 5 GB limit on one backup plugin

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